Professional Development
Lesson Study
Plan, teach, observe, reflect, revise, evaluate
"Lesson study is personalized researched professional development."
-Lesson Study Group; Mills College
Lesson study acknowledges how important and challenging it is to bring knowledge and learning to the forefront for students. At Inspired Mathematics we will show you how to implement Lesson Study in your classroom(s). In addition to the initial PD, teachers experience their learning in real-time. Teachers engaged in Lesson Study say there is nothing better than being in your own classroom with your own students, learning.
"The most brilliant educational visions, are just splotches of ink on a paper until... a teacher brings them to life in a classroom."
-Lesson Study Group; Mills College

Problem Solving
Participants learn how to center students during their problem-solving experiences and find the delicate balance between being too helpful and leaving students with little support.
Participants will analyze problems, consider instructional strategies that support student problem-solving, and implement practices that build confidence and skills in students when solving worthwhile problems.

Math Practices
The Math Practices serve to support teachers in thinking about how students interact with the content they teach. In this course, participants uncover the meaning behind the practices and examine tasks that support students with engaging in these practices.
1. Make-sense of problems and persevere in solving them
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
4. Model with Mathematics
5. Use appropriate tools strategically
6. Attend to precision
7. Look for and make use of structure
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

Formative Assessment for Learning
John Hattie's research is strong in the belief that all instruction needs to include these three components for learning; feed up, feedback, feed forward. In other words, where am I going, what am I doing, where am I going next?
Throughout Inspired Mathematics trainings we will not only teach teachers to formatively assess in their classroom, we will model and instruct with proven formative assessment strategies.
Number Sense and Fluency
In this course, participants take a deep-dive into the definitions, characteristics, and teacher instructional strategies of number-sense and fluency.
How are they alike? How are they different? We uncover the answers to these questions through mathematical experiences. Participants will consider tasks that support students in building their number-sense and increasing their fluency.
Mathematical Conversations
Classroom discussions are amongst one of the most influential practices in the classroom. NCTM teaching practices identify Meaningful Math Discourse as one of the top 8 practices teachers use to effectively teach students.
This session uncovers three strategies for effectively guiding math conversations with students. Teachers reflect on their current practice and connect to ways in which they can amplify student voices.
Content Courses
Our Inspired Mathematics content team can personalize your math content needs. Some of the more popular content sessions include fractions, number and operations for K-2 and 3-5, and addition and subtraction/multiplication and division strategies.
Reach out to meet with our Professional Learning Consultants to find a session that works for your team.
Intervention that Works
Rethinking how we structure intervention, this session focuses on an asset-based approach to providing ALL students with additional mathematical knowledge and skills.
Using Your Resources
How do you effectively use your curriculum resources while practicing the art of teaching?
This in-classroom Professional Development merges learning new strategies for looking at your curriculum materials with the real-time experience with students. Teachers engage in a preconference to review a lesson with materials, a lesson demonstration for how to engage in the art of teaching, and debrief to discuss how to make the most of materials, teaching strategies, and supplemental resources.
Teachers say this is the most beneficial and relevant Professional Development they engage in!