Professional Development
Current course offerings are listed below. Our team will work with you in determining a course that meets your needs. Reach out for other opportunities not listed below.
Mathematical Practices
3 or 6 Hour
The Math Practices serve to support teachers in thinking about how students interact with the content they teach. In this course, participants uncover the meaning behind the practices and examine tasks that support students with engaging in these practices.
Formative Assessment for Learning
3 or 6 Hour
John Hattie's research is strong in the belief that all instruction needs to include these three components for learning; feed up, feedback, feed forward. In other words, where am I going, what am I doing, where am I going next?
Throughout Inspired Mathematics trainings we will not only teach teachers to formatively assess in their classroom, we will model and instruct with proven formative assessment strategies.
Lesson Study
3 Hour + On Site implementation
Plan, teach, observe, reflect, revise, evaluate
"Lesson study is personalized researched professional development."
-Lesson Study Group; Mills College
Lesson study acknowledges how important and challenging it is to bring knowledge and learning to the forefront for students. At Inspired Mathematics we will show you how to implement Lesson Study in your classroom(s). In addition to the initial PD, teachers experience their learning in real-time. Teachers engaged in Lesson Study say there is nothing better than being in your own classroom with your own students, learning.
"The most brilliant educational visions, are just splotches of ink on a paper until... a teacher brings them to life in a classroom."
-Lesson Study Group; Mills College
3-6 Hours
Marilyn Burns once stated,
“I’m always listening, not for what they don’t know; I’m not looking for their deficits. I’m looking for where they are, so I can have something to build on, so it can inform my number talks, so I know what kind of questions I might ask that could be developing understanding for some kids, while it’s cementing for other students, and while it’s extending for even others. Listen, listen, listen! I learn, and then I get to be a better teacher.”
- Marilyn Burns; December 2017, An interview with Math Solutions Director Nikki LaLonde
In this session, participants will uncover the power of questioning on student learning and teacher formative assessment.
Addition and Subtraction Strategies
3-6 Hours
More to come.
Problem Solving in Math
3-6 Hours
In this session, participants learn how to shift the weight of Problem Solving onto their students. There is a delicate balance between being too helpful and leaving students with little support. During this time, participants will analyze problems, consider instructional strategies that support student problem-solving, and implementing practices that build confidence and skills in students when solving worthwhile problems.
Kindergarten Number Talks
Number Talks; by Sherry Parrish
Fall of 2020, many students were learning from home. While it was important to keep work simple, it was even more important to maintain rigor within Mathematics.
Number Talks are a way to engage learners in mental math while building confidence, number sense, and flexibility with numbers. These kindergarteners were definitely flexing their mental math muscles.